With the help of a Preco flat bed die cutter, Lakeview Industries out of Carver, Minnesota shift the company's focus to making face shields for healthcare workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Preco, LLC’s CEO Tim Burns is proud to announce several promotions within the organization.
Hybrid Microfluidic Circuitry–HMFC–are cross-platform devices that can utilize various layer materials in the microfluidics build process. These materials may include a variety of the typical polymer adhesives and films or foils used today, as well as glass, polymer injection molded (PIM) materials, and possibly other substrates.
Last year, Therm-O-Type of Nokomis, Florida teamed up with Preco to sell, install and service its line of sheet-fed, high-speed die-cutting equipment for industrial markets.
For over 30 years, Preco has provided the world's metalworking industry with the most complete selection of laser-based contract manufacturing services and systems, including laser welding, cladding and heat treating.
Preco has built its reputation on servicing customers with advanced laser and die cutting technologies as well as contract services.
Two of Preco’s most important core technologies are lasers and galvanometer scanheads.
Last fall, Jason Thoen came back to campus in order to talk to the Advanced Lab class about the usefulness of the skills he learned in the class and also to give some job seeking advice.
Like the majority of manufacturing technology companies in the current economic downturn, Preco, LLC, has had its share of difficulties.
Historically lasers have not been the "go to" device in the gasket industry because of speed, cost, and technology limitations.